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Future Ready Graduates

Hopkins County Future Ready


Project LIFE

A collaboration involving community members, parents, business leaders, teachers, counselors, and principals resulted in the creation of Hopkins County Future Ready - Characteristics of Successful Graduates. These characteristics are those that participants felt are important for all graduates to have, regardless of career path. This is our version of Portrait of a Graduate. 

The project involves building awareness and identifying ways schools are already preparing students to be successful. We will also determine if if any gaps exist and how to address those moving forward.

Characteristics of Successful Graduates

    • Team-oriented
    • Employable
    • Provides and accepts feedback
    • Demonstrates clear written and verbal skills
    • Structures information in a meaningful sequence
    • Active listener
    • Listens and acts with empathy
    • Has a responsible digital footprint
    • Financially literate
    • Observes situations to define problems
    • Asks questions
    • Data-driven informed problem solver
    • Demonstrates civic duty
    • Global and cultural awareness
    • Positive role model
    • Persists through difficulties
    • Self-regulation
    • Initiates learning