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Head Lice Prevention

Head Lice Prevention

An estimated 6 to 12 million head lice infestations occur each year in the United States, most commonly among children ages 3 to 11. Head lice are not dangerous and do not transmit disease, but they do spread easily. Hopkins County Schools has a No Live Lice Policy. We do routine head checks, particularly after school breaks. We are providing information on this page about treatments and supplemental measures that can be taken to prevent the spread. For additional help or information, please contact your school office, school nurse, or Family Resource Youth Services Center.

CDC Guidelines

District Procedure 09.213 AP.11

Prevention/Control of Head Lice in Schools

Few conditions cause so much concern and anxiety in schools and homes as head lice infestations. Lice are parasites of the human host. They are not known to transmit communicable diseases in the United States. Studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control revealed that lice: (1) occur in all socioeconomic levels regardless of age, sex or standards of personal hygiene, (2) are dependent on human blood for nourishment, (3) do not jump, hop, or fly, (4) are spread by directly or indirect contact, (5) are more commonly found on females than on males, (6) are more commonly found on children than adults (younger elementary school children are at a greater risk than older elementary children), (7) infestations are rare among American Blacks, and  (8) occurrence rates do not significantly differ between long and short hair - it is just harder to treat and get rid of in the longer hair.

The Hopkins County School System has developed a NO LIVE LICE Policy.


  1. Parents should be informed at the beginning of school and throughout the school year that head lice screening is conducted as needed. Parental consent is not required prior to screening for head lice.
  2. Each school having students K-8 will be responsible for checking every student for head lice infestation the first day of school and upon return from any break that exceeds three (3) days.
  3. Each school will have designated employees to do head lice screenings after they have received instructions.
  4. It is important that we handle any child being screened, especially those suspected of having head lice, tactfully and sensitively. In order to avoid any loss of a child’s self-esteem, do not make them feel guilty, ashamed or stigmatized.
  5. Screen any child with observable signs or symptoms promptly.

Screening Procedure

  1. Directly inspect the hair and scalp in order to detect the presence of live lice. Observe for movements on or near the scalp, especially on the nape of the neck and behind the ears.
  2. If a student in a classroom is reported to be infested, screen all children in that classroom and any close associates including siblings.
  3. If siblings are located in other buildings, notify the school to have siblings screened.
  4. Be sure to wash hands after inspecting a students head.


  1. Head lice are small, light gray insects that are difficult to see because of their size and coloring.


  1. Symptoms include irritation and itching of scalp, especially back of neck and behind the ears; presence of small light gray-brown insects and/or their eggs (called nits) which are attached to the hair shaft. Nits are from white to tan in color and have the shape of a tiny teardrop.


Transmission usually occurs from person to person after contact with someone. Indirect contact with infested personal belongings, such as headgear, combs, brushes and clothing, occurs frequently.

Higher rates of infestation are formed in schools where children share lockers or coat hooks, and in the home where bedding, clothes and furniture are shared.

Prevention and Control in the Schools

To prevent head lice, avoid direct contact with infected persons and other objects such as brushes, combs, hats, coats, earphones, etc.

When an infected student is found at any time during the school year, all students in a classroom should be screened.

Classroom activity: If lice are identified in a classroom, activities that would promote transmission should be suspended. Do not share common combs, brushes during the school photo sessions.

Earphones must be cleaned between each child.

Buses: Bus drivers are to be notified when they have transported students found to have head lice so the bus seats, etc. can be treated. (STUDENT NAMES DO NOT HAVE TO BE GIVEN).

Other Items in the Environment

  1. Coat hooks should be individually assigned. When physical space allows, personal items should not be touching. Coats should not be hung on top of each other.
  2. Hats and scarves should be kept in coat sleeves or pockets rather than piles on shelves or floor.
  3. If head lice are identified, each student should keep his/her clothes separated from those of all other students at all times.
  4. Carpeted classrooms should be vacuumed daily if head lice are identified.
  5. Fabric covered chairs/seating should be treated if head lice are identified.


  1. Fumigation of schools, buses and homes for pediculosis is not necessary and is to be discouraged. Vacuuming is important.

Recommendation to the School

  1. Any student identified as having live head lice present in the hair should be isolated and sent home.
  2. When the parent arrives, the appearance and locations of nits and/or lice on the child’s head should be demonstrated to the parent. This serves two purposes:
    • It clearly demonstrates that the child is infested.
    • It enables the parent to see what a nit looks like and thus accurately examine other family members.
  3. The parent or guardian will be provided education and/or resources that address the following:
    • Offer method of treatment
    • Request that all family members be treated
    • Request that all clothing and bedding used by infested family members be either:
      1. Laundered in hot water
      2. Dry cleaned
      3. Dried for twenty (20) minutes in a clothes dryer on high heat
  4. The parent or guardian should institute plans for treatment as recommended by school health nurse or school personnel.
  5. The child should be readmitted to school after treatment has been applied. The parent is to bring the child back to school and remain while the child’s head is checked. .The child may return to the classroom if no live lice are present. If lice are present, the student shall return home with the parent/guardian.
  6. A student will be excused for two (2) days during any event of lice.
  7. If nits are identified, the parent or guardian will be notified via letter which will include information as outlined in item #3.
  8. Reinfestation can be a continuous event as long as adult lice are present and serve as a source of eggs (nits).
  9. Families needing assistance with lice treatment will be referred to the school nurse and/or Family Resource Center.



  1. Treat with pediculocide medication available at drugstores with our without a prescription (follow directions carefully.)
  2. Remove dead lice and all nits with a nit comb or by hand.
  3. If one family member has live lice, it is recommended that all family members be treated.
  4. All clothing and bedding used by any member who was treated, should be laundered in hot water, dry cleaned, dried for twenty (20) minutes in a dryer on high heat, or sealed in a plastic bag for ten (10) days.
  5. All combs and brushes should be washed in hot water.
  6. Carpets and upholstery should be thoroughly vacuumed.
  7. Any infested member should receive a second treatment within seen to ten (7-10) days.
  8. Pregnant or nursing mothers or children under two (2) years of age, or very fragile students should only be treated as advised by their doctor.


  1. Shampoo may be purchased at the drugstore - with or without a prescription.
  2. The school Family Resource Center may be contacted for assistance.
  3. The Department of Pupil Personnel and the school nurse may be contacted for assistance at the Board.
  4. Schools with Health Department nurses may also provide shampoo.
