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FRYSC Core Components

FRYSCs were created to address non-cognitive barriers affecting student’s education. The FRYSC core components are designed to have a targeted impact on issues affecting students’ well-being and to provide the skills necessary to be ready to learn when they enter the classroom. 

Family Resource Centers serve children under school age and in elementary school and coordinate:

  • preschool child care
  • after-school child day care
  • families in training
  • family literacy services and
  • health services and referrals

Youth Services Centers serve students in middle and high school and coordinate:

  • referrals to health and social services
  • career exploration and development
  • summer and part-time job development (high school only)
  • substance abuse education and counseling and
  • family crisis and mental heatlh counseling

Additionally, some Centers have optional components, based on their needs assessment results that address educational support. Many FRYSC activities include programs that help students become college and career ready and support kindergarten readiness.